Our Enviromental Aim

We aim to conduct all of our operations with respect for the environment. We are seeking to lower our impact by reducing waste whilst using raw materials, water and energy efficiently.

We aim to continuously improve our performance in these areas whilst allowing our organisation to grow.

Our Customers & The Supply Chain Aim

We aim to build long term relationships with our customers and suppliers in order to improve the sustainability of our business and to develop business partnerships with organisations that share the high standards that we set ourselves.

We provide appropriate safety, security, health and environmental information for all those that work with us, handle and use our products.

Current Initiatives & Performance

Operating Waste

We are constantly looking at ways to reduce our waste. which we do through continually looking at ways to inprove our operating procedures and educating our staff in the benefits of waste reduction. It is a company aim to continuously reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and encourage the use of material reclamation where possible.


Recycling Programs

We as an organisation have also implemented some very beneficial recycling schemes that ensure any material that can possibly be recycled is recycled.

We have put schemes in place with our major suppliers to ensure that products supplied to us are supplied in packaging that can be returned and recycled for future supply.


The Supply Chain

We are currently working hard to ensure that suppliers are considering the environmental impact of the materials they supply. Suppliers are encouraged to supply materials from sustainable sources where possible, and this features heavily in the selection of new materials for our product range.